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Cris has been with the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority for 33 years serving in various capacities related to affordable housing and economic development. He has served since 2010 as the Executive Director and CEO.

In its 48-year history, CHFA has invested more than $25 billion to support affordable housing and community development throughout Colorado. In that time, CHFA’s resources have helped more than 132,000 Coloradans achieve their dreams of homeownership, over 73,000 affordable rental housing units be developed or preserved and provided homebuyer education to over 172,000 households. CHFA has also provided financing programs to support over 7,200 small businesses, which have created or retained more than 77,000 jobs.

Cris has served on the Executive Committee of the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation, Mayor Hickenlooper’s and Mayor Hancock’s Denver Housing Plan Task Forces, and the Colorado Legislature’s Long-term Fiscal Stability Commission. He most recently served on the Board of Directors of the National Council of State Housing Agencies, as Chair of the Board of Directors for Housing Colorado and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s Community Advisory Council. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver and the Colorado Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force.