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Building Efficiency & C-PACE Livestream Conference

Building Efficiency & C-PACE Livestream Conference

350 viewers anticipated. 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved. The conference will be shot and broadcast like a television show. We have engaged a high-quality camera crew who are masters in livestream technology. The event will be amazing, and give viewers an experience well beyond the typical Zoom webinar. When you register, a unique access code will be generated for you. Please do not share this code with anyone as it is your means to view the event, and cannot be used on multiple devices at the same time. Can’t watch live? A recording will be available after the event has been streamed. You will be able to log in to our website and enter your access code. We look forward to seeing you in person before too long. Stay healthy in these unusual times. Colorado Real Estate Journal  

Lori Golightly

May 20, 2020
2020 Multifamily Property Management Livestream Conference

Multifamily Property Management Livestream Conference

600 viewers anticipated. 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved. The conference will be shot and broadcast like a television show. We have engaged a high-quality camera crew who are masters in livestream technology. The event will be amazing, and give viewers an experience well beyond the typical Zoom webinar. When you register, a unique access code will be generated for you. Please do not share this code with anyone as it is your means to view the event, and cannot be used on multiple devices at the same time. Can’t watch live? A recording will be available after the event has been streamed. You will be able to log in to our website and enter your access code. We look forward to seeing you in person before too long. Stay healthy in these unusual times. Colorado Real Estate Journal  

Lori Golightly

March 5, 2020
Residential & Commercial Land Development Livestream Conference

Residential & Commercial Land Development Livestream Conference

1,000 viewers anticipated.  4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved. This conference will cover residential and commercial land development along the Front Range.  The conference will be shot and broadcast like a television show. We have engaged a high-quality camera crew who are masters in livestream technology. The event will be amazing, and give viewers an experience well beyond the typical Zoom webinar. When you register, a unique access code will be generated for you. Please do not share this code with anyone as it is your means to view the event, and cannot be used on multiple devices at the same time. Can’t watch live? A recording will be available after the event has been streamed. You will be able to log in to our website and enter your access code. We look forward to seeing you in person before too long. Stay healthy in these unusual times. Colorado Real Estate Journal  

Lori Golightly

March 4, 2020
Development & Construction Livestream Conference

Development & Construction Outlook Livestream Conference

800 viewers anticipated. 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved. The conference will be shot and broadcast like a television show. We have engaged a high-quality camera crew who are masters in livestream technology. The event will be amazing, and give viewers an experience well beyond the typical Zoom webinar. When you register, a unique access code will be generated for you. Please do not share this code with anyone as it is your means to view the event, and cannot be used on multiple devices at the same time. Can’t watch live? A recording will be available after the event has been streamed. You will be able to log in to our website and enter your access code. We look forward to seeing you in person before too long. Stay healthy in these unusual times. Colorado Real Estate Journal

Lori Golightly

February 20, 2020
Senior Housing & Care Livestream Conference

Senior Housing & Care Livestream Conference

700 viewers anticipated. 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved. The conference will be shot and broadcast like a television show. We have engaged a high-quality camera crew who are masters in livestream technology. The event will be amazing, and give viewers an experience well beyond the typical Zoom webinar. When you register, a unique access code will be generated for you. Please do not share this code with anyone as it is your means to view the event, and cannot be used on multiple devices at the same time. Can’t watch live? A recording will be available after the event has been streamed. You will be able to log in to our website and enter your access code. We look forward to seeing you in person before too long. Stay healthy in these unusual times. Colorado Real Estate Journal

Lori Golightly

December 23, 2019
Health Care & Medical Office Buildings Livestream Conference

Health Care & Medical Office Buildings Livestream Conference

700 viewers anticipated. 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved. The conference will be shot and broadcast like a television show. We have engaged a high-quality camera crew who are masters in livestream technology. The event will be amazing, and give viewers an experience well beyond the typical Zoom webinar. When you register, a unique access code will be generated for you. Please do not share this code with anyone as it is your means to view the event, and cannot be used on multiple devices at the same time. Can’t watch live? A recording will be available after the event has been streamed. You will be able to log in to our website and enter your access code. We look forward to seeing you in person before too long. Stay healthy in these unusual times. Colorado Real Estate Journal

Lori Golightly

December 23, 2019
2019 Law Space Workspace Forum

2019 Law Space Workspace Forum

Location: Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Building, Fifth Floor, 1445 Market Street, Denver, CO 80202 This is the largest law space workplace forum of the year in Colorado with more than 150 attendees anticipated. 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved.

Lori Golightly

July 24, 2019
2019 Condominium Development (and HOA Operations) Summit & Expo

2019 Condominium Development Summit & Expo

Location: The Hyatt Regency Aurora-Denver Conference Center Colorado's largest condo development conference of the year with more than 400 attendees anticipated.  4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved.

Lori Golightly

July 22, 2019
2019 Office Summit & Expo

2019 Office Summit & Expo

LOCATION Hyatt Regency Aurora-Denver Conference Center This is Colorado's largest office conference of the year with more than 500 attendees anticipated including owners, developers, investors, corporate end-users, brokers, lenders, interior designers, contractors & tenant finish firms and other Colorado commercial real estate professionals. 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved.

Lori Golightly

June 11, 2019
2019 Industrial Summit & Expo

2019 Industrial Summit & Expo

LOCATION Hyatt Regency Aurora-Denver Conference Center This is the largest industrial development and investment conference of the year in Colorado with more than 350 attendees anticipated. 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved.

Lori Golightly

June 6, 2019