C-470 office/flex park hits ground running
An office/flex park on the C-470 corridor in Littleton recently landed an anchor tenant and is rolling out additional speculative buildings. A leading provider of three-dimensional printing solutions, 3D Systems Inc. leased a 70,000-square-foot building at the new 3D Systems Technology Center at Mountain West. The company provides 3-D printing design-to-manufacturing solutions, including 3-D printers,…
Kris Oppermann Stern
April 5, 2016
Denver industrial market: Is the party winding down?
This post is only available to subscribers of the the Colorado Real Estate Journal. If you have a subscription, please log in to view this post. If you do not […]
Kris Oppermann Stern
April 5, 2016
Bowles Crossing in Vestar’s wheelhouse
This post is only available to subscribers of the the Colorado Real Estate Journal. If you have a subscription, please log in to view this post. If you do not […]
Kris Oppermann Stern
April 5, 2016
ARA handles $75 million in sales
This post is only available to subscribers of the the Colorado Real Estate Journal. If you have a subscription, please log in to view this post. If you do not […]
Kris Oppermann Stern
April 5, 2016
HFF team arranges $30.5 million in financing
Josh Simon and Kristian Lichtenfels of the Denver office of Holliday Fenoglio Fowler recently secured a $30.5 million construction loan for a 216-unit apartment community in Broomfield. Working on behalf of Jeffrey Sanders of Boulder-based MountainView Capital LLC, Simon and Lichtenfels placed the loan with a regional bank. The loan is for the garden-style Mountain…
Kris Oppermann Stern
April 5, 2016
How to make your spec suite investment successful
Spec suites – spaces that are built out by a building owner for the purpose of marketing a vacant suite or floor – are growing in popularity and in size, with new projects devoting entire floors and buildings to spec space.
Kris Oppermann Stern
April 4, 2016
Denver Tech buildings fetch $40.54 million
A Denver Tech Center office property captivated investors willing to take on big risk for the sake of reward. Denver Corporate Center II and III ended up in seemingly logical hands with DPC Development Co. and longtime partner Bridge Investment Group Partners paying $40.54 million for the buildings at 7800 and 7900 E. Union Ave.,…
Kris Oppermann Stern
April 4, 2016
LRA chooses Kelmore at Boulevard One in Lowry
Centennial-based Kelmore Development has developed about a million square feet of retail space since it was founded about 35 years ago. Almost all of it was in the suburbs, primarily in the southeast corridor. Now, it is tackling a high-profile urban development in Denver. Kelmore has been chosen by the Lowry Redevelopment Authority to be…
Kris Oppermann Stern
March 31, 2016
Dean Callan Recognition Award honors Reynolds, Tebo
Boulder-based Dean Callan & Co. recently presented the 2015 Dean Callan Recognition Award to Bill Reynolds of The W.W. Reynolds Cos. and Stephen Tebo of Tebo Properties. Stephen Tebo The award is given annually to a member of the Boulder commercial brokerage community in memory of Dean Callan and in recognition of his many years…
Kris Oppermann Stern
March 30, 2016
Denver ranks high among investors, says CBRE
Denver ranked among the top 10 markets in the Americas for commercial real estate investment in 2016, according to a new report by CBRE Inc. The CBRE Americas Investor Intentions Survey 2016 captured investment sentiment and expected activity of nearly 500 investors focused on the Americas. Most expect to remain very active this year in…
Kris Oppermann Stern
March 28, 2016