GH Phipps Construction completes Solvista Health West Campus remodel in Cañon City

GH Phipps Construction Cos. completed the Solvista Health West Campus Remodel in Cañon City. Solvista’s West Campus facility was previously a newspaper publishing plant, purchased in 2015 for business expansion. As an established health care provider serving Fremont, Custer, Chafee and Lake counties, Solvista Health identified a need to renovate the building to expand services for their community.
Solvista Health had a vision to design and construct a therapeutic, unique and modern facility tailored to children, teens and families. Working with architect Keys+Lauer, the project centered on the renovation of 8,000 square feet to house the child and family team, increase space for child and family services, and improve administrative and support spaces.
“From the start, GH Phipps embraced our vision of building a premier mental health treatment space for youth and families in our rural community,” said Brian Turner, Solvista Health chief executive officer. “Our vision has now come to life and young people have an amazing place they can truly be proud of to get the help they deserve.”
Published in the July 1-14, 2020, issue of CREJ.