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EKS&H headlines CREJ tax reform conference

Executives from accounting firm EKS&H will dominate the upcoming tax reform conference sponsored by the Colorado Real Estate Journal. Denver-based EKS&H is a nationally recognized professional services firm providing audit, […]

Kris Oppermann Stern

October 3, 2018

10,000 making waves in apartment circles

Ten Thousand Waves is a world-class resort on a mountain road in Santa Fe. But what is really making waves in Denver apartment circles is the number 10,000. Specifically, the observation by apartment guru Cary Bruteig that developers can’t build much more than 10,000 units in the Denver area has given developers much more confidence…

Kris Oppermann Stern

October 1, 2018
2018 Tax Reform CREJ Colorado Real Estate Journal Conference

2018 Tax Reform: What Developers and Contractors Need to Know

LOCATION Hyatt Regency Aurora-Denver Conference Center Please join your real estate and construction colleagues for the 2018 Tax Reform: What Developers and Contractors Need to Know Conference and Expo, hosted by the Colorado Real Estate Journal and EKS&H, soon to be part of Plante Moran. The event will focus on the effects of the recent tax reform legislation and highlight key changes impacting the real estate and construction industry. Space is limited to 150. Register now. Four hours of continuing education have been approved

Lori Golightly

July 25, 2018
Capital Markets

Capital Markets conference coming June 5

Capital markets in commercial real estate, which has been on a bull run in Denver and nationwide, will be in the spotlight at a halfday conference June 5.  More than 300 industry leaders are expected to attend the 2018 Emerging Trends in Capital Markets Summit & Expo from noon until 4:45 p.m. The conference is…

Kris Oppermann Stern

May 14, 2018

Sustainability: Achieving the Next Level

LOCATION Hyatt Regency Aurora-Denver Conference Center 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved. This is CREJ's principal Green Building event of the year with more than 200 attendees anticipated representing owners, brokers, property managers, architects, engineers, consultants, contractors, among others.  

Lori Golightly

March 26, 2018

2018 C-PACE Conference: A Primer for Owners & Managers

LOCATION Hyatt Regency Aurora-Denver Conference Center 4 hours of real estate continuing education credit have been approved. C-PACE is an innovative financing tool that can change the way commercial property owners manage their assets and capital improvement plans.  C-PACE incentivizes commercial property owners to install energy efficient, renewable energy and water conservation measures in a manner that converts these energy cost savings into capital available to replace aging building systems. Primarily geared toward office, hotel and medical office building properties, but also relevant to industrial and multifamily properties.

Lori Golightly

March 20, 2018