Bullish Calbert moderating CREJ leaders panel
During his 45-year career, Brad Calbert has been in the trenches for every boom, bust and commercial real estate cycle between the two extremes in Denver. As a commercial real estate broker, Calbert has been involved in the sale or finance of more than 150 transactions that totaled more than 30 million square feet. Calbert's…
Kris Oppermann Stern
January 7, 2019
Ultra Petroleum moving HQ to Inverness
Ultra Petroleum Corp., a battered oil-and-gas exploration company, with little fanfare, recently announced it is moving its headquarters to the Denver area from Houston. Later this year, Ultra Petroleum, which trades on NASDQ under the symbol UPL, will close its Houston office and most likely move to an existing building in the Inverness Business Park…
Kris Oppermann Stern
June 14, 2018