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Choose Materials that Minimize Carbon Emissions During their Production

As documented by the World Resources Institute Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, building production and operations emit 33% of the global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, making them the single biggest carbon emitter by sector, and emissions are expected to double by 2050.

Building Dialogue

May 18, 2020

Trends in Student Housing Programming, Design

In recent years, student housing development has been on the rise as a top priority at universities throughout the country – especially with the growing momentum of public-private partnerships (P3) for the building type. The university’s vision, mission and values are essential to consider when thinking about the program, design and long-term goals for these facilities.

Building Dialogue

August 19, 2019
page office

Page moves into Republic Plaza

On the heels of its 10th anniversary in downtown Denver, Page has moved its growing team to the top floor of the city’s tallest building, the iconic Republic Plaza. With window-lined walls, the new office of the international architecture and engineering firm is filled with light and embraces dramatic views of the mountains. 

Building Dialogue

April 7, 2019