1031 exchanges may be axed by Trump’s tax plan
Riki Hashimoto’s phone was ringing off the hook late last week. Anxious investors had one question for the commercial real estate broker after President Donald Trump released his still skeletal outline for tax reform last Wednesday: “Are 1031 exchanges going away?” While a lot of media ink was devoted to things like the proposed 15…
Kris Oppermann Stern
May 1, 2017
1031 exchanges may be axed by Trump’s tax plan
Riki Hashimoto’s phone was ringing off the hook late last week. Anxious investors had one question for the commercial real estate broker after President Donald Trump released his still skeletal outline for tax reform last Wednesday: “Are 1031 exchanges going away?” While a lot of media ink was devoted to things like the proposed 15…
Kris Oppermann Stern
May 1, 2017
Trump connects with Morean
Richard Morean recently was enjoying lunch with some real estate buddies at Seasons 52 Wine Bar & Grill in Park Meadows. No surprise, the conversation turned to politics among the friends, who lean both to the right and the left of the political spectrum. “Hey, remember that article about you, 'Trump’s loss is Denver’s gain'?”…
Kris Oppermann Stern
February 2, 2017