West End 38 breaks ground in Wheat Ridge
West End 38 recently broke ground on a key corner in Wheat Ridge. West End 38 also is a groundbreaking development in Wheat Ridge. “This is the first new market-rate, mixed-use project of any size in Wheat Ridge since the early 1990s,” said Tyler Downs, a principal of Denver-based Wazee Partners, the developer of the $40…
Kris Oppermann Stern
June 20, 2018
Historic district dissent in NW Denver
Historic district dissent. Last week, West Highland neighbors filed a draft application with Denver Community Planning and Development to create another historic district in the Northwest Denver neighborhood. Although the application will likely will be revised to a certain extent, it does not sit well with Kevin O’Connell, a 22-year resident of what could become…
Kris Oppermann Stern
April 18, 2017