Westminster development unveiled

Construction is underway at the City of Westminster’s first mixed-use, transit oriented community at Westminster Station, set to open on July 25, officials announced on Monday,
Alto, a 70-unit affordable apartment development, is the first of several buildings planned by Adams County Housing Authority (ACHA) n a 6.5-acre parcel at the northwest corner of 71st Avenue and Federal Boulevard. Gorman & Company is the developer for Alto with ACHA as co-developer.
“Westminster is doing some really progressive things to encourage development of affordable housing in the city,” said Kimball Crangle, Gorman & Company’s Colorado Market President. “We couldn’t have done the project without their partnership.”
The city is providing regional stormwater detention, modifying some fees and allowing for shared parking for residential and commercial users. The total value of these incentives is about $3 million. In addition, Westminster has invested approximately $70 million in public infrastructure, including the light rail station and a 40-acre public park, to prepare the 135-acre station area for private development.
“We’re excited to see this initial development in the growing Westminster Station area,” said Westminster Mayor Herb Atchison. “Westminster City Council’s strategic plan has specifically identified the need for greater affordable and workforce housing opportunities, and by working with our community partners we’re able to make great strides toward meeting that goal.”
The Alto apartments will be affordable to individuals and families with household incomes at 30 to 50 percent of Area Media Income, with monthly rents from $450 to $1038. The energy efficient apartments will have 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms, as well as amenities such as a bicycle garage.
The Adams County Housing Authority (ACHA) will locate its South County offices in 10,000 square feet of office space in the Alto development. In addition, the Center for Career and Community Enrichment (3CE) will occupy nearly 3,000 square feet of space. A nonprofit community center, 3CE serves North Metro Denver residents and businesses by providing access to jobs, housing counseling, life skills, parenting classes, educational classes, GED and health services.
“Our partnership with 3CE at Alto illustrates the power of a two-generation approach,” said Peter LiFari, deputy director of ACHA. “When programs for children and parents are intertwined, the cumulative benefits increase for both, disrupting the cycle of poverty.”
The $28 million Alto project was financed through partnerships with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, State of Colorado, Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, Adams County, Adams County Housing Authority and the City of Westminster. Enterprise Community Partners provided Low Income Housing Tax Credit Equity and FirstBank provided the construction loan and permanent debt. The general contractor is Swinterton Builders and the architect is Shears Adkins Rockmore.
“Ever since we learned about the plans for a commuter rail station being built at this site, our vision was to develop mixed-income housing units while retaining some natural affordability and preserving the diversity of the neighborhood,” said Don May, executive director of Adams County Housing Authority. “We are really excited to have brought the right resources and partners together to make our vision a reality.”
A formal ground breaking ceremony is scheduled for the Alto project at 10:30 a.m. on July 26 at 3033 West 71st Avenue in Westminster.