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The Winslow Report 6-14-16

The Winslow Report, authored by John V. Winslow, CRE, is a compilation of transactions recently completed in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson counties. The information was gathered from county records and deemed to be reliable. Other sources of research include brochures and information verified by owners or listing/selling brokers. Winslow is president of WinComps LLC and has more than 40 years’ experience in commercial real estate. He can be reached at 720-612-7878 or Colprop2012@gmail.com.

Adams County

Property Location: 8849- 8929 Pearl St., Thornton, “Skyline Apartments”

Property Description: 464-unit, three-story apartment complex with 22 buildings, 330,288 sf, YOC 1984, brick/frame construction

Land Size: 17.44 acres

Sales Price: $69.5M, or $149,785 per unit, or $210.42 per sf

Reception No.: 2016000042511

Closing Date: 5/19

Grantor: Holland Brittany Downs Apartment Homes, c/o Holland Partners Group, Clyde Holland, partner, 360-694-7888

Grantee: Aragon 2016 Skyline, Dan Guy, president, 310-550-5750

Financing: $53.6M, payable to NorthMarq Capital LLC

Comments: APN: 01719-22-4-08-001, 01719-22-4-08-002, www.aragonusa.com, 504-sf one-bed/one-baths rent for $990 & up; 655-sf one-bed/one-baths rent for $1,110 & up; 866-sf two-bed/two-baths rent for $1,190 per month; 908-sf two -bed/two-baths rent for $1,210-1,555 per month. Leasing office contact is 720-208-9296. Local contact for sellers are Erik Hagevik and Christie Schewe, 720-452-3201.


Property Location: 2901 W. 63rd Ave., Denver, “Pioneer Village”

Property Description: 112-space mobile home park & home, YOC 1950-1966

Land Size: 0.93 acres

Sales Price: $7.35M, or $65,625 per space

Reception No.: 2016000040095

Closing Date: 5/23

Grantor: Pioneer Park LLC, James R. Feehan, manager

Grantee: Pioneer MHP LLC & Wayside Colorado LLC, Brad Dressler, manager, 305-394-3333

Comments: Property sold June 13, 2007 for $5M.


Property Location: 8331 Steele St., Denver

Property Description: Vacant land

Land Size: 5.1 acres

Sales Price: $800,000, or $3.60 per sf

Reception No.: 2016000038777

Closing Date: 5/17

Grantor: Bison Development LLC, Cris Schurehan & Martin Schwab, principals of Patrick Lumber, www.patlbr.com , 66%, & James D. Rodway, 34%, 812 SW 10th Ave., Suite 200, Portland, OR 97205-2546

Grantee: Daniel Martinez, Gypsum 81637, Cowboy Trucking, 970-376-5584

Financing: $480,000 at 4.5% due 5-15-19, payable to FirstBank

Comments: Lot 1, HCC Sub. – Amendment No. 2. Seller’s phone is 503-222-9671.


Property Location: 10290 Idalia St., Denver

Property Description: 3,536-sf veterinary clinic, YOC 2008, masonry construction

Land Size: 1.1 acres

Sales Price: $750,000, or $3.60 per sf

Reception No.: 2016000042037

Closing Date: 5/31

Grantor: First Citizens Bank & Trust Company

Grantee: St. Mary Commerce City LLC, Dr. Manal Soliman, 720-859-7788

Comments: Property sold in April 2015 via public trustee’s foreclosure deed. This freestanding building has 20 parking spaces and is located in the vicinity of the southeast corner of Chambers and 104th Avenue in the North Range Town Center.   Some of the FF&E remained in the building at time of sale. Elizabeth Morgan, 303-370-7466, of Sullivan Hayes Brokerage was the listing broker and the property was listed for $825,000. Soliman owns veterinary clinic in Aurora and she is expanding the business to Commerce City.


Property Location: 8740 Dahlia St., Denver

Property Description: 1,489-sf house, YOC 1907, & 1,820-sf

nursery/greenhouse, YOC 1975 , land value

Land Size: 8.17 acres

Sales Price: $660,000, or $1.85 per sf

Reception No.: 2016000038886

Closing Date: 5/13

Grantor: Perkins Land & Livestock IV LLC, P. David Perkins, manager, Unionville, MO

Grantee: Jose Ramirez, 6510 Newton St., Arvada 80003

Financing: $410,000 at 5% due 5-13-18, payable to grantor

Comments: Sold Aug. 28, 2015, for $489,000


Property Location: 6190 Federal Blvd., Denver

Property Description: 728-sf house, YOC 1934, frame, 2,856-sf warehouse, total 3,586 sf of commercial/industrial uses

Land Size: 33,075 sf

Sales Price: $525,000, or $146.40 per sf

Reception No.: 2016000036202

Closing Date: 5/9

Grantor: Thank Cong Nguyen

Grantee: Linda Moore, 3535 Larimer St., Denver 80205

Financing: $410,000 at 5% due 5-13-18, payable to grantor

Comments: Sold 11-18-2009 for $306,500

Arapahoe County

Property Location: 12250-12300-12350-12450-12500-12600-12650 E. Arapahoe Road, Englewood, & 345 Inverness Drive (Douglas County)
Property Description
: 309,575 sf (seven buildings in Arapahoe County), YOC 1998-2001, 16’ clear, drive-in and dock-high doors; three single-story R&D/flex buildings totaling 175,287 sf, YOC 2002, concrete panel construction, including 16.48 acres. (Total for both properties is 484,862 sf of flex space.)
Land Size
: 42.18 acres (25.70 acres in Arapahoe & 16.48 acres in Douglas)
Sales Price:
$78.5M, or $161.90 per sf
Reception No.:
D6054826, D6054826 (Arapahoe) & 2016033352 (Douglas)
Closing Date:
Hines REIT Arapahoe II LLC (Hines Interest), Kevin L. McMeans, mgr., 713-621-8000,
Arapahoe I LL LLC & Arapahoe II LL LLC & Inverness LL LLC (Investcorp International Realty Inc.), F. Jonathan Dracos, pres., 212-599-4700

Financing: $54,32M payable to Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
12250-12650 E. Arapahoe Ave. was offered for lease by Jason Addlesperger, SIOR, 303-260-4342 & David Lee, 303-260-4349, of Newmark Grubb Knight Frank. The Arapahoe County transaction included seven buildings totaling 309,575 sf that sold for $187.03. Per Newmark Grubb Knight Frank brochure, there was 10.8% vacancy for this property. The Inverness property totaled 175,287 sf and the tenants included: Penford Corp., Comcast, Gevo Inc. & Honeywell International Inc. The tenants for the Arapahoe I & II LL LLC properties include American Honda Motors, Santander, ViaWest Internet Services & Vistar Corp.

Property Location: 1305 S. Zante St., Aurora, “Murphy Creek Gas & Liquor Corp.”

Property Description: 5,709-sf convenience store with gas pumps, YOC 2013-2015, brick construction

Land Size: 2.11 acres

Sales Price: $3.39M, or $113.44 per sf

Reception No.: D6056435

Closing Date: 5/31

Grantor: Nicks Investments LLC, Mohinder Singh-Sandhu, manager

Grantee: Murphy Creek Investment LLC, Kiranpal Singh Sidhu, 5763 S. Rome St., Aurora 80015

Financing: $3.48M, SBA loan, payable to Hanmi Bank, 3660 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 917, Los Angeles, CA 90010, due 5-25-41

Comments: APN: 1975-24-1-01-001; property lies on the south corner of S. Zante St. & S. Gun Club Road and is owner-user. This sale appears to be between two related parties.


Property Location: 3955 S. Mariposa St., Englewood

Property Description: 7,140-sf industrial building, YOC 1972, two drive-in doors, brick construction

Land Size: 9,583 sf

Sales Price: $810,000, or $113.44 per sf

Reception No.: D6053871

Closing Date: 5/24

Grantor: A2Z Industrial Properties LLC, Tim Goldstein & Karen Goldstein, members

Grantee: 3955 S. Mariposa LLC, Warren W. Maxwell & Darin B. Russell, members, 2872 S. Shoshone St., Denver, CO 80210

Financing: $412,337 payable to FirstBank at 4.75%, due 6-1-31

Comments: APN: 2077-04-4-06-007, listed and sold by Mark Goodman, Paul Schneider & Chase Grimes of Pinnacle Real Estate Advisors. The buyer owns Maxco Innovative Builders, 720-358-5941, www.maxcobuilders.com.


Property Location: 12525 E. Jamison Place, Englewood, northwest side of E. Jamison Place terminus, approx. 850’ west of E. Adam Aircraft Circle intersection

Property Description: Vacant land

Land Size: 1.79 acres

Sales Price: $550,000, or $7.07 per sf

Reception No.: D6054345

Closing Date: 5/23

Grantor: Paul M. Glaser

Grantee: DC LLC, Donald D. Cannella, manager, 719-528-5747

Financing: $446,600 payable to Integrity Bank and Trust, Monument

Comments: Lot 2, Dove Valley Business Park Sub. Filing No. 21. This site is the companion site to the Rocky Mountain Portable Cooling building. Site is approved for a 12,000-sf building with five 2,400-sf bays. Significant amount of site work was completed prior to closing, with utilities stubbed to the site, blue topping and drainage work done. Information about this sale was derived from Jerry Kempf of Unique Properties LLC-TCN Worldwide, 303-321-5888. Kempf did not handle this transaction, but he sold the site to the seller May 30, 2003, for $233,295. Glaser has considered constructing a building for his electrical business. Kempf knows a great deal of history of the surrounding sites, the buildings and the tenants in the immediate area as he has the exclusive right to sell the entire Dove Valley Business Park. The high sales price per square foot reflects the amount of site improvements coupled with the building plans available to the buyer.

Broomfield County

Property Location: SWC, realigned, Huron Street & CR 4, lying one-quarter mile west of Interstate 25 and approximately one-eighth mile north of Baseline Road

Property Description: Vacant land

Land Size: 42.72 acres, plus two small tracts for ROW

Sales Price: $7M, or per $3.76 per sf, or $35,000 per buildable unit

Reception No.: 2016005946, 2016005948, 2016005947

Closing Date: 5/27

Grantor: UF Kevamra, 22.14%, UF TM II, 47%, & UF TM I, 30.86%, Garrett Baum, manager*, 303-884-7300

Grantee: Taylor Morrison of Colorado Inc., Philip Cross, 303-513-4616

Financing: $2.86M, payable to UF TM II, due 6-6-2018

Comments: See plat 2016004903. Lot 1 = 42.72 acres, Tracts B = 0.54 acres & Tract F = 0.44 acres, Palisade Park Filing No. 4. Garrett Baum is manager in all three LLCs. G. Thomas Hennessy is also principal with Taylor Morrison Homes of Colorado: thennessy@taylormorrison.com, 200 residential units are planned for this property. It is unimproved vacant land that was rezoned April 27.


Denver County

Property Location: 3705 & 3755 Ringsby Ct., Denver

Property Description: 8,120-sf warehouse, YOC 1974; 6,511-sf warehouse, YOC 1973, redevelopment land value

Land Size: 238,949 sf, or 5.49 acres

Sales Price: $7.3M, or $30.55 per sf

Reception No.: 2016065983

Closing Date: 5/20

Grantor: Ready Mixed Concrete Company & Sprat-Platte Ranch Co. LLLP, Robert P. Kepford, manager

Grantee: Taxi North LLC, Mickey & Kyle Zeppelin, managers, 3455 Ringsby Ct., Suite 100, Denver 80216, 303-573-0781

Financing: $6M, payable to Collegiate Peaks Bank, due 5-19-21

Comments: See APN: 02224-00-100 = 180,863 sf; 02224-00-079 = 59,766 sf. County shows 240,629 sf, where deed recites 238,949 sf from survey. The property is located on the west corner of Washington St. & Ringsby Ct. intersection and is considered land value.


Property Location: 4650 Leyden St., Denver

Property Description: 57,388-sf warehouse, YOC 1984, fluted-block construction

Land Size: 2.72 acres

Sales Price: $4.1M, or $71.44 per sf

Reception No.: 2016065937

Closing Date: 5/16

Grantor: Interstate Distribution Center, Charles L. Frazier VP – Hobbs-IDC Management

Grantee: Monaco I LLC, Michael B. Wels & Timothy P. Broderick, managers

Financing: $8.57M, payable to UMB Bank, NA, due 5-19-21

Comments: See APN: 01202-00-115 = 94,293 sf, with 57,388-sf warehouse; 01202-00-117 = 24,165 sf of vacant Industrial land. The property is located on the northeast corner of E. 46th Ave. & Leyden St. and contains 47,726 sf of vacant space. Property sold by CBRE Inc., Paul Kluck, 720-528-6405.


Property Location: 2200-2220 California St., Denver

Property Description: 18,614-sf commercial building with five drive-in doors, 16’ clear, YOC 1920, masonry construction

Land Size: 18,893 sf

Sales Price: $3M, or $158.79 per sf

Reception No.: 2016067571

Closing Date: 5/24

Grantor: WEJ 2015 Charitable Remainder, William E. Jackson, tr.

Grantee: 550 Spyder LLC, Aaron Westphal, Jacob Vanderslice & Wade Buxton

Financing: $2.4M, payable to Lead Funding LLC

Comments: Property was listed by Steve Serenyi, 303-238-4578, and Tyler Ryon, 720-833-4612, of Colliers International. “The property was under contract within a week after we signed the listing,” said Ryon. Building was vacant at time of sale. According to Ryon & Serenyi, there are 762 units proposed and 316 units under construction in the immediate area, totaling 1,078 units. Wade Buxton of Vanwest Partners, 303-625-9820, one of the buyers and broker is offering this 17,805-sf “to-be-renovated retail space” for lease at $22. Smaller space of 1,380 sf is offered at $35 per sf. The five units include spaces of 1,380 sf, 1,908 sf, 3,276 sf, 5,392* sf and 6,698* sf. *The two office spaces are offered at $22 per sf triple net while the three retail spaces are offered at $30 per sf & up.


Property Location: 1260 Pennsylvania St., Denver

Property Description: 25-unit, four-story “center hall” style apartment building with 11,300 sf, YOC 1924, brick construction, 21 studio and four one-bedroom units

Land Size: 5,791 sf

Sales Price: $2.9M, or $116,000 per door, or $256.64 per sf

Reception No.: 2016070499

Closing Date: 5/31

Grantor: Bassett #1, William Bassett, member

Grantee: JMDR Pennsylvania LLC, Jason McCool, manager, 303-300-6786

Financing: $2.65M, payable to FirstBank, due 3.85% due 6-1-26


Property Location: 2918-2950 W. 28th Ave., Denver

Property Description: Vacant land, house at 2918 was razed 9-7-15

Land Size: 14,706 sf

Sales Price: $1.95M, or $132.60 per sf

Reception No.: 2016064883

Closing Date: 5/18

Grantor: 28th Ave. Partners LLC, David L. Berton, manager, 303-477-5550

Grantee: Gemini Seven LLC, Bruce R. Huebner, manager, 303-539-0319

Financing: $4.8M construction loan, payable to Centennial Bank & Trust

Comments: Planning department of Denver contact is Doug Jones at douglas.jones@denvergov.org, project No. 2014D00388. There are three APN Nos.: 02294-21-045, 02294-21-49 & 02294-21-051. This property is located on south side of W. 28th Ave., 141’ west of Eliot St.


Property Location: 5105 E. 39th Ave., Denver

Property Description: 13,514-sf warehouse, includes 1,500-sf office area, YOC 1957, masonry construction, vacant at time of sale

Land Size: 42,458 sf

Sales Price: $1.62M, or $119.88 per sf

Reception No.: 2016070507

Closing Date: 5/27

Grantor: York Partners LLC, Andrew Kientz, member

Grantee: Peterman Investments LLC, Helen Peterman, manager

Comments: Property was listed by Zach Smith and Greg Knott of Unique Properties LLC-TCN Worldwide, 303-321-5888, or www.uniqueprop.com. Asking lease rate was $9 per sf triple net, with 14’ ceiling, one ramped drive-in and dock high loading doors.


Property Location: 901-905 Jasmine St., Denver

Property Description: 16-unit, two-story “walk-up” style apartment building, with 4,248 sf, YOC 1953, brick construction, all studio units

Land Size: 8,780 sf

Sales Price: $1.43M, or $89,375 per door, or $336.63 per sf

Reception No.: 2016066317

Closing Date: 5/20

Grantor: 901 Jasmine Street LLC, Albert Papay, manager

Grantee: JH BV Property LLC, James H. Hockensmith, manager, 3131 E. Alameda Ave., Unit 1108, Denver 80209

Financing: $1.1M, payable to Bank of the West, due 5-19-21

Comments: See APN: 06053-13-004. The property is located on the northwest corner of E. Ninth Avenue & Jasmine St. & is zoned E-MX-2. The property was originally listed in January by the Calame Lewallen Team of Pinnacle Real Estate Advisors LLC for $1.48M. With typical 4% vacancy reflected in the broker’s pro forma, the property sold slightly above a 7% cap rate.


Property Location: NEC W. 24th Ave. & Eliot St., Denver

Property Description: Three residential buildings, land value, zoned G-MU-3

Land Size: 15,860 sf

Sales Price: $1.7M, or $105.12 per sf

Reception No.: 2016065294, 2016065293 &* 2010065292

Closing Date: 5/19

Grantor: Chenango Partners III, Charles E. Dunleavy III & 2847 West 24th Ave. Partners LLC, Charles E. Dunleavy III, manager

Grantee: 24th & Eliot LLC, J. Kevin Ray, manager

Comments: Tim Finholm and Sam Leger of Unique Properties LLC-TCN Worldwide was the listing broker, 303-321-5888. Buyer plans to build 15 townhome units. Flatgrass Realty, David J. O’Brien, 720-934-6597, or www.flatgrass.com, represented J. Kevin Ray, the buyer. The addresses include: 2418 Eliot St., 2851 W. 24th Ave. & 2847 W. 24th Ave., Denver 80211.


Property Location: NEC Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. & Uinta St., Denver

Property Description: 15,000-sf, three-story office building; plan to use first two stories as the “Punch Bowl Social” restaurant with the third story as their office. There is the old Stapleton Airport Control Tower on site, but they will only use this space as potential tours, depending on the ADA.

Land Size: 2.04 acres

Sales Price: $1.3M, or $88.71 per sf

Reception No.: 2016064883

Closing Date: 5/18

Grantor: FC Stapleton II LLC, Brian Fennelly, manager, 303-382-1800

Grantee: 30 West Pershing LLC, Tom Hudek, manager, c/o EPR Properties, 909 Walnut St., Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64106, 888-377-7348




Comments: Brian Fennelly is VP & CFO at Forest City Stapleton Inc. Mike Wafer, 303-260-4242, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank. The restaurant will be the “Punch Bowl Social” as the buyer has developed these at 65 S. Broadway in Denver, and in Detroit, Austin & Portland. It also plans a Punch Bowl Social in Chicago. The building will be completely gutted and renovated, and expanded into approximately 25,000 sf.


Property Location: 428-432 S. Sherman St., Denver

Property Description: Eight-unit, two-story apartment building with 3,654 sf, YOC 1905, brick construction, recently renovated

Land Size: 4,460 sf

Sales Price: $1.1M, or $141,875 per door, or $310.62 per sf

Reception No.: 2016065962

Closing Date: 5/19

Grantor: JFM Associates LLC, Carl Measer, manager

Grantee: Clayton Sherman LLC, Jules Hockman, manager, 303-962-9533

Financing: $851,250 payable to FirstBank, due 6-1-26



Property Location: 1740-1750 Williams St., Denver

Property Description: 4,156-sf, two-story office conversion, YOC 1909, brick, & 6,250-sf parking lot

Land Size: 12,500 sf

Sales Price: $1M, or $240.62 per sf

Reception No.: 2016064187

Closing Date: 5/13

Grantor: A&D LLC & The High Street Law Center Ltd., Michael F. Dimanna, managers of both LLCs, 303-320-4848, & Michael S. Axt LLC, 303-333-7110

Grantee: Moonstar 1740 LLC, Scott C. Axelrod, manager, 720-941-0200

Financing: $840,000, payable to Collegiate Peaks Bank – Belcaro, due 5-16-17

Comments: Lots 10-11 and Lots 8 & 9 were sold by three separate entities via Reception Nos. 2016064187, 2016064185 & 2016064186. The property sold in July 2015 for $490,000. Property was listed and sold by Phil Yeddis & Alexander C. Segalas of Unique Properties LLC-TCN Worldwide, 303-321-5888.


Property Location: 311 S. Pennsylvania St., Denver

Property Description: 1,268-sf, two-story office conversion, YOC 1928, brick construction

Land Size: 6,230 sf

Sales Price: $579,000, or $456.62 per sf

Reception No.: 2016067669

Closing Date: 5/23

Grantor: HOHWC LLC, Stephanie F. Canada, manager, 303-779-9321

Grantee: 311 S. Pennsylvania St. LLC, Eric A. Weins & Evelyn P. Weins, managers

Financing: $427,500, payable to Collegiate Peaks Bank

Comments: See APN: 05151-04-033. The property contains three parking spaces and a one-car garage. The buyer is as real estate developer, 303-561-1099 or

www.weinsdevelopment.com. The property was listed by Sandy Colohan of Keller Williams DTC, 303-919-5993. This property was used by Dr. Stephanie F. Canada, a Denver chiropractor, prior to the closing. There is 453 sf in the basement


Property Location: 3025 W. 38th Ave., Denver

Property Description: 1,827-sf, two-story office conversion, YOC 1920, brick construction

Land Size: 5,875 sf

Sales Price: $500,000, or $273.67 per sf

Reception No.: 2016063060

Closing Date: 5/13

Grantor: Dr. Norris Sadler, 303-458-7051, & Catherine A Cary

Grantee: Retro Dental Group Highlands, Dr. Darren Kessler, manager, 720-307-4764

Financing: $403,285, payable to Commerce Bank, due 6-1-26

Comments: See APN: 02203-33-019. The property is located on the north side of W. 38th Ave., 150’ west of Federal Blvd., and is zoned U-MS-3. The buyer will occupy the space.


Douglas County

Property Location: 18588 E. Mainstreet, Parker, “Watermark on MainStreet”

Property Description: 306-unit apartment complex with nine buildings totaling 328,243 sf, plus 6,235-sf clubhouse/leasing office, YOC 2014, frame construction

Land Size: 15.13 acres

Sales Price: $77M, or $251,634 sf, or $234.58 per sf

Reception No.: 2016033774

Closing Date: 5/31

Grantor: Vanterra Watermark LLC, Thomas P. Murphy & Paul M. Thrift, managers at www.watermarkapartments.com, or 317-454-8029.

Grantee: Braddock & Logan Venture Group, LP 925-736-4000

Comments: The units comprise the following models: 680-sf one-bedroom apartment rents for $1.70 per sf; 759-sf one-bedroom/one-bath at $1.58 per sf; 838-sf one-bedroom/one-bath at $1.62 per sf; 842-sf one-bedroom/one-bath at $1.66 per sf; 1,025-sf two-bedroom/two-bath unit rents for $1.56 per sf; 1,105-sf two-bedroom/two-bath at $1.50 per sf; 1,126-sf two-bedroom/two-bath at $1.47 per sf; 1,188-sf two-bedroom/two-bath at $1.43 per sf; 1,302-sf three-bed/two-bath rents for $1.54 per sf; 1,279-sf three-bedroom/two-bath at $1.56 per sf. There are two three-bedroom models, four two-bedroom/two-bath models & four one-bedroom/one-bath models. Mike Margason is VP of dispositions and Brian Southworth is VP of acquisitions for the seller.


Property Location: SWC Keyser Creek Ave. & S. Cory St., Parker

Property Description: 115 residential lots

Land Size: 19.84 acres

Sales Price: $10.2M, or $88,474 per lot, or $11.77 per sf

Reception No.: 2016032143

Closing Date: 5/19

Grantor: Anthology Recovery Acquisition LLC, Jon Shumaker, member, NYC, 10020

Grantee: Richmond American Homes of Colorado Inc., Holly Hoxeng

Comments: Lots 1-6 Block 2, Lots 1-21 Block 4, Stroh Ranch Filing 17B,   2003092244; Lots 1A-5A, Block 1, Lots 1A-7A, Block 2, Lots 1A-20A, Block 3, Stroh Ranch Filing 17B, 3rd Amendment; Lots 7-22, Block 1, Stroh Ranch Filing 17C, 2003092246; Lots 1A-7A, Block 1, Lots 1A-7A, Block 2, Lots 1A-7A, Lots 1A-10A, Block 4, Stroh Ranch Filing 17C, 2nd Amendment; Lots 1-9, Block 1, Stroh Ranch Filing 18A, Douglas County


Property Location: Northwest corner Gadwall Way & Mallard Dr., Castle Rock

Property Description: Vacant land

Land Size: 59 residential lots

Sales Price: $1.4M, or $24,434 per lot

Reception No.: 2016032043

Closing Date: 5/19

Grantor: Crystal Valley Ranch Development Co., Wayne E. Brown Family & Putnam CVR LLC, Gregory W. Brown, 303-814-6862

Grantee: Richmond American Homes of Colorado Inc., Holly Hoxeng

Comments: Lots 5-61 & Lots 106-107, Crystal Valley Ranch Filing No. 14, Douglas County


Property Location: Vic. SEC of Main Street & Jordan Road, near Cedar Gulch Pkwy. & Cedar Gulch Dr.

Property Description: 39 lots & eight tracts, 3.64 acres of net residential lots

Land Size: 5.38 acres

Sales Price: $1.2M, or $5 per sf, or $38,000 per lot

Reception No.: 2016032313

Closing Date: 5/20

Grantor: Talavera Holding Neutowne LLC, Jeffrey D. Willis, president, 303-756-8500

Grantee: BH Parker II Inc., Jeffrey D. Willis, president

Comments: Lots 1-39 & Tracts A-H, Olde Town at Parker Filing 1A – Amendment No. 4 Plat, Douglas County. Tracts A-D include public access and total 1.32 acres; Tracts E-H include open space and contain four tracts totaling 0.42 acres with the total tracts containing 1.74 acres.   

Jefferson County

Property Location: 14998-15000 W. Sixth Ave. & 14818-14828 W. Sixth Ave., Golden

Property Description: 69,038-sf flex building, YOC 1984, masonry construction; 61,841-sf flex building, YOC 1996, & 81,581-sf flex building, YOC 1985, 212,460 sf

Land Size: 14.79 acres

Sales Price: $24M, or $112.96 per sf, $112.09 per broker size

Reception No.: 20160051837

Closing Date: 5/31

Grantor: First Industrial LP, Mary Covaci

Grantee: Amacon Westpark Investment Corp., 500-856 Homer St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 2W5, attention: Jeff Shickele, 604-602-7700

Comments: See APN: 40-121-02-001, APN: 40-121-02-002, 40-121-01-001. This property was listed by T.J. Smith, SIOR, 303-238-4576, & Brad Calbert, 303-283-4566, & Nick Rice, 720-833-4620, of Colliers International. Lease rates are reflected in brochure at $11 per sf triple net, with expenses at $4.75 per sf. This property is known as the “West Park Business Center” & “Sixth Avenue West Business Park.” Listing brochure shows 214,116 sf with 91% occupied with 31 tenants, with an average lease rate of $10.17 per sf. There are 596 parking spaces proposed on this property.


Property Location: SWC Hwy. 93 & Spyderco Way, 20001 Golden Gate Pkwy.

Property Description: Vacant land

Land Size: 3.94 acres

Sales Price: $1.2M, or $7.07 per sf

Reception No.: 2016051895

Closing Date: 5/26

Grantor: SRO Properties LLP, Frederick C. Simmons, partner

Grantee: Newstar Golden LLC, Senior Living Logic LLC, 303-669-3002,

Charles Gee, www.seniorlivinglogic.com

Comments: Owner contact is attention: Charles Gee. This site will be home to a four-story, 109-unit senior-housing property with 103,568 sf net rentable area, 950 sf average size per unit. The gross building area will be 127,906 sf with 82 garage spaces and 76 surface parking spaces.


Property Location: 9720-9760 W. Colfax Ave., Lakewood

Property Description: 19,314-sf warehouse, YOC 1972

Land Size: 1.43 acres

Sales Price: $1.6M, or $25.24 per sf

Reception No.: 2016051366

Closing Date: 5/31

Grantor: P&L Partners LLC, Linda Jeschofnig, manager

Grantee: 9720 W. Colfax SP c/o the William Warren Group/StorQuest, Jon Studdarth, manager

Comments: See APN: 49-032-00-002 containing 23,941 sf & APN: 49-032-00-070 containing 38,452 sf. The buyer made formal application for rezoning of this property Oct. 12, 2015, to allow for self-storage facility. Buyer plans to build 103,506-sf self-storage facility containing 750-800 storage units, plus 4,386-sf leasing and retail office space. House of Imports was the former occupant of the space.


Property Location: 1271 Sugarbush Dr., Evergreen

Property Description: 11,244-sf, two-story office building, YOC 2000, frame construction, plus 2,448-sf basement area

Land Size: 2.02 acres

Sales Price: $1.25M, or $111.17 per sf

Reception No.: 2016048832

Closing Date: 5/20

Grantor: Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Inc., Robert Benson

Grantee: Sugarbush Holdings LLC, Brett A. Champine, 303-674-3535, & Liam P. Cassidy, managers, 1271 Sugarbush Dr., Evergreen 80439

Financing: $1.5M at 1.5% per annum over prime rate, due one year, payable to Ralph W. Talmage

Comments: First floor has 5,800 sf, second floor has 4,950 sf and basement level has 2,448 sf. Property was listed by KW-Evergreen Commercial Real Estate, Bill Downes, 303-838-2000 or billddownes@evergreencommercial.net. Property was listed for $1.5M with lease rate of $18.50 to $19.50 per sf, full-service.