Denver County
Property Location: 4700-4712 Brighton Blvd., Denver
Property Description: garage and two houses, (land value)
Land Size: 11,277 sf
Sales Price: $1M, or $88.68 per sf
Reception No.: 2017124750
Closing Date: 9/21
Grantor: PMC Land LLC
Grantee: Denver Police Museum Development Group LLC, Lance Nading, mgr., & Mark Hesse, president
Financing: $650,000 with 0%, due 8-21-22, payable to seller
Comments: Proposed $15 million Denver Police Museum will be erected near the National Western Complex, which will provide historical and virtual reality crime-scene experiments and a memorial chapel for fallen officers.
See APN: 2231-07-036 & 2231-07-011.
Comp of the Day is provided by John V. Winslow, president of Winslow Property Consultants. Winslow has more than 40 years’ experience in commercial real estate. He can be reached at 720-612-7878 or