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Pinkard completes Aurora health services project

aurora pharmacy
The scope of work on the two-phased, approximately 10,000-square-foot project included renovation and reconfiguration of the fully operational pharmacy.

Pinkard Construction, in a design-build relationship with MOA Architecture and owner Metro Community Provider Network – a community health center providing integrated health care services – has completed the North Aurora Family Health Services renovation ahead of schedule and under budget.

Total project budget was $3.8 million, with a construction budget of $1.58 million. Pinkard is returning approximately $80,000 in savings to MCPN, while completing approximately 45 days sooner than the originally projected 152-day schedule.

The scope of work on the two-phased, approximately 10,000-square-foot project included renovation and reconfiguration of the fully operational pharmacy, and transformation of existing offices into exam and procedure rooms. Pinkard’s management of the occupied pharmacy renovation was key to the project’s success. With Pinkard’s implementation of a rolling shelving system, pharmacy staff was able to quickly transport and securely store pharmaceuticals during the fast-tracked, long weekend of pharmacy renovation.

The design-build team structure also contributed greatly to the project’s success, allowing MCPN, MOA and Pinkard time to re-evaluate MCPN’s needs and program. Design and programming charrettes with MCPN user groups produced more efficient layouts resulting in expanded pharmacy space, two additional procedure rooms, a shorter schedule and budget savings during buyout.

“This renovation gives us a much-needed convenient care pod to allow us to be more accessible to our patients who need a primary care provider; a place where people can walk in in their neighborhood to have their needs met,” said Jennifer Trainer, MCPN director of environment of care. “We are so impressed by this transformation.”

While the Metro Community Provider Network offers services at eight locations across Aurora and 10 other locations across metro Denver, the north Aurora facility is by far the busiest, seeing more than 17,000 patients and handling more than 57,000 appointments annually. More than 11,000 of those visits and services are rendered to individuals who are at risk of or are currently experiencing homelessness.

The newly renovated and reconfigured space increases NAFHS’s operational efficiencies and capacity by 5,000 persons annually. In addition to the renovated areas, the facility currently houses three medical pods and a single dental pod, along with health education, care coordination, patient navigation, and administrative spaces.

This project was supported through grant funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration, the city of Aurora, Anschutz Family Foundation, Caring for Colorado Foundation and The Colorado Health Foundation.

Published in the September issue of Development, Construction & Design in the Sept. 19 CREJ.

Kris Oppermann Stern is publisher and editor of Building Dialogue, a Colorado Real Estate Journal publication, and editor of CREJ's construction, design, and engineering section, including news and bylined articles. Building Dialogue is a quarterly, four-color magazine that caters specifically to the AEC industry, including features on projects and people, as well as covering trends…