A busy season debrief of 2018 real estate income tax reform
The first year administering any sweeping tax reform with hundreds of pages of new code and thousands of pages of associated guidance is never easy, nor without the devil in the details.
May 24, 2019
Why 1031 exchangers can’t have access to exchange funds
Frequently asked questions by Colorado real estate investors, particularly those seeking tax deferral in a 1031 exchange, are “What happens if I identify replacement property before the 45-day identification period
October 14, 2018
EKS&H headlines CREJ tax reform conference
Executives from accounting firm EKS&H will dominate the upcoming tax reform conference sponsored by the Colorado Real Estate Journal. Denver-based EKS&H is a nationally recognized professional services firm providing audit, […]
Kris Oppermann Stern
October 3, 2018
Depreciation rule changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
It seems like Congress changes the depreciation rules every year or so. Every time a jobs/economy/relief act of 20-something (fill in the year) is passed, we get new rules. More recently we have had the Economic
July 15, 2018