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Denver office market breeds cautious optimism

The American office space is nothing if not resilient. It’s been battered and bruised, opened, closed and opened again. It’s been downsized, marginalized, stripped down and sterilized – and still, it endures.


December 18, 2020

Are you solving for the virus – or for future work?

Good employers have long been leveraging their workplace to compete for top talent, drive collaboration and foster creativity. Pre-COVID-19, the workplace was not merely a location for employees to complete work.


December 14, 2020

Landlords, tenants adapt as we await a vaccine

Prior to the pandemic, retail as an asset class was in the midst of significant change and a sustained period of transformation. Shopping centers were becoming gathering places for neighborhoods and featured tenant


November 20, 2020

What does the future hold for retail?

While retailers have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, year-over-year U.S. retail sales are up 0.6% (August 2019 to August 2020) including e-commerce. When excluding e-commerce, U.S. retail sales were down, but only by


November 16, 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on medical office buildings

As any seasoned health care planner would tell you, “form follows function.” In other words, the way you intend to deliver health services to your patients should drive the size, […]


October 19, 2020

Facilities cleaning profiteering on the rise

Profiteers are likely to emerge during any disaster. The pandemic is no different, as property managers looking to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep their buildings safe and healthy are discovering. Some commercial cleaning


October 5, 2020

How properties are managing through COVID-19

As the repercussions of COVID-19 began to unfold, CBRE – and the world – saw building after building close in quick succession. Property managers rushed skillfully in the flurry of closings to identify crisis procedures and plan what


October 4, 2020

Health, safety take center stage with new initiatives

As an office building owner with five high-quality office buildings in Denver, we consider the health and wellness of our customers a top priority. This is why our company launched a comprehensive program entitled “Inspire Wellness”


September 25, 2020

Pandemic impacts Springs retail market

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have started to impact the Colorado Springs retail market, according to a recent report by CBRE. The firm’s Colorado Springs Retail Marketview noted that […]

Jolene Wollett

September 14, 2020

Pandemic Sparks Push for Safer Office Builds

Colorado’s developers and architects normally design office buildings to be resilient in the face floods, fires and those seemingly ever-changing tenant tastes. And while the desire for office spaces that minimize germ/bacteria/virus transfer has been batted around in cli ent meetings for years, most of the practices rarely, if ever, made it into the final design. Until now.

Building Dialogue

September 14, 2020