Investor snaps up CTC flex property in record-breaking sale
A fully occupied flex property in the Colorado Technology Center sold to a local investment company in a record-breaking sale. Boulder-based buyer Bh 305 Arthur LLC purchased the 17,940-square-foot, Class […]
Kris Oppermann Stern
December 20, 2020
Etkin Johnson secures new tenant at CTC property
A bicycle retailer signed a lease agreement to fully occupy one of Etkin Johnson’s industrial buildings in the Colorado Tech Center. The Pro’s Closet signed a long-term lease at the […]
Kris Oppermann Stern
October 9, 2020
Etkin Johnson expands CTC portfolio with delivery of 2 buildings
Etkin Johsnon Real Estate Partners, a full-service, privately owned commercial real estate investment and development company based in Colorado, announced the completion of the new 109,386-square-foot FedEx distribution center at […]
Kris Oppermann Stern
December 28, 2018
Klebba joins Etkin Johnson as a partner
Dave Klebba joined Etkin Johnson as a partner.
August 12, 2018
Etkin Johnson leases CTC spec building, launches another 400,000 sf
Etkin Johnson Real Estate Partners leased a new 153,018-square-foot speculative building at the Colorado Technology Center in Louisville, triggering construction of a 400,000-sf industrial/flex campus at CTC. The new speculative three-building industrial/flex campus – dubbed Louisville Corporate Campus at CTC – will be constructed on a 33.12-acre parcel purchased by the company and annexed into the…
October 4, 2017