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GE Johnson tackling substance abuse

The story Jim Johnson uses to illustrate the dangers of alcohol and drug problems on a construction site is made up, but that doesn’t make the takeaway any less true or powerful. Imagine a crane operator moving tons of steel on a construction site after spending a restless night with his wife worrying about their…

Kris Oppermann Stern

March 27, 2019

Northern I-25 corridor steaming ahead

The Northern Colorado Interstate 25 corridor always seems to be on the verge of taking off. "That whole northern I-25 corridor is red-hot," according to a prominent commercial real estate consultant. She told me that in 2003, when I was the real estate editor of the Rocky Mountain News. Anyone who makes the drive from…

Kris Oppermann Stern

May 9, 2017

Majestic lives up to its name with giant warehouse

Majestic Realty Co. is living up to its name with a giant warehouse on its drawing board. Consider: The warehouse is the size of almost 13 football fields; It could store 10 Statute of Liberties; The amount of steel used to construct it could build 1,883 Priuses; The asphalt required could build a 20-foot-wide road…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 29, 2017

Majestic lives up to its name with giant warehouse

Majestic Realty Co. is living up to its name with a giant warehouse on its drawing board. Consider: The warehouse is the size of almost 13 football fields; It could store 10 Statute of Liberties; The amount of steel used to construct it could build 1,883 Priuses; The asphalt required could build a 20-foot wide…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 27, 2017

Marijuana laws haven’t scared employers

Economic development guru Tom Clark was worried that when recreational marijuana could legally be sold in Colorado, it would snuff out the strong economic surge sweeping the Front Range. “We were terrified,” said Clark, the CEO of the Metro Denver Economic Development Corp., a post he will be leaving when he retires in March. Clark…

Kris Oppermann Stern

February 9, 2017