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1031 Exchange

1031 exchanges may be axed by Trump’s tax plan

Riki Hashimoto’s phone was ringing off the hook late last week. Anxious investors had one question for the commercial real estate broker after President Donald Trump released his still skeletal outline for tax reform last Wednesday: “Are 1031 exchanges going away?” While a lot of media ink was devoted to things like the proposed 15…

Kris Oppermann Stern

May 1, 2017

Majestic lives up to its name with giant warehouse

Majestic Realty Co. is living up to its name with a giant warehouse on its drawing board. Consider: The warehouse is the size of almost 13 football fields; It could store 10 Statute of Liberties; The amount of steel used to construct it could build 1,883 Priuses; The asphalt required could build a 20-foot-wide road…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 29, 2017

Majestic lives up to its name with giant warehouse

Majestic Realty Co. is living up to its name with a giant warehouse on its drawing board. Consider: The warehouse is the size of almost 13 football fields; It could store 10 Statute of Liberties; The amount of steel used to construct it could build 1,883 Priuses; The asphalt required could build a 20-foot wide…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 27, 2017

Flight taking off at Taxi

Freight was the only multitenant, speculative office building under construction in Denver during the Great Recession, recalled Kyle Zeppelin, on a recent pleasant spring afternoon, as he sipped an espresso in the Black Black Coffee shop in the mixed-use Taxi development. Freight was 100 percent leased even before it opened in Taxi. Now, Zeppelin, the son…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 25, 2017
Infinity LoHi

Infinity LoHi opening its doors

Infinity LoHi is the latest luxury apartment community opening its doors in the trendy Lower Highland area. The 273-unit community at 2298 W. 28th Ave. is taking appointment from renters. The first residents can start to move in in May. (ranwhenparked.net) Infinity LoHi is the first apartment community in Denver by Florida-based Richman Signature Properties. “Incredible…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 21, 2017

Niederman bullish on commercial real estate

There are plenty of shiny, new office towers sprouting along the southeast corridor where Peter Niederman could easily lease 25,000 square feet for his residential real estate firm. So why did Niederman, CEO of Kentwood Real Estate, one of the nation’s most successful residential real estate firms, instead decide to build his own office building,…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 20, 2017
historic district

Historic district dissent in NW Denver

Historic district dissent. Last week, West Highland neighbors filed a draft application with Denver Community Planning and Development to create another historic district in the Northwest Denver neighborhood. Although the application will likely will be revised to a certain extent, it does not sit well with Kevin O’Connell, a 22-year resident of what could become…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 18, 2017

California dreaming at Marcus & Millichap

California dreaming. If you are a Denver-based apartment broker, you don’t need to be a Mommas and the Poppas fan to be tuned in to the importance of California investors. “I think last year 26 percent of our deals from our office were from California,” said Tyler Stevens, who recently joined the Denver office of…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 13, 2017
Virtual reality

Virtual reality for commercial space

I entered the commercial real estate Matrix. I donned the virtual reality goggles, and the 2,000-square-foot office that Walkthrough leases with another company in Lower Downtown was replaced by office furniture supplied by one of Walkthrough’s customers, Interior Environments. A virtual, green-lined grid, which reminded me of the Matrix, kept me from walking into the…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 6, 2017

Mathieson takes on critics

Developer Michael Forbes Mathieson could write a book. Mathieson, a Denver infill developer, recently posted a flurry of missives on social media sites responding to critics of his $12 million, five-story, 47-unit apartment building under construction in Denver’s increasingly trendy Berkeley neighborhood. From last fall to last month, Mathieson has posted at least 3,422 words…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 3, 2017