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Adams County ED names Martinez president, CEO

Bo Martinez was named the new president/CEO of Adams County Economic Development. Most recently, Martinez served as director of economic development for the city of Miami Beach, Florida, where he repositioned […]

Jolene Wollett

March 30, 2020

Ryley earns Certified Economic Developer designation

Daniel Ryley, executive director of the Arvada Economic Development Association, recently earned the designation of Certified Economic Developer by the International Economic Development Council.

Jolene Wollett

January 13, 2019

REDI to tackle 64-acre Sheridan corridor

REDI, or the Real Estate Diversity Initiative, in the coming months will be ready to help to redefine and redevelop a 64-acre parcel along South Sheridan Boulevard that was once a bustling retail site but now is a largely desolate swath in southwest Denver. REDI, an MBA-like real estate development for women and minorities, will…

Kris Oppermann Stern

June 4, 2018

Amazon – Denver’s chance to land a Blue Whale

Amazon is amazing. I admit it. I’m an Amazon junkie. I use Amazon Prime almost daily, it seems, to order everything from organic dog food to solar-powered lights. I’ve binged on Amazon originals like "The Man in the High Castle" and "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel." I only wish I had followed the old Peter Lynch maxim to…

Kris Oppermann Stern

February 1, 2018
Elitch/Pepsi Center

If Amazon HQ2 comes to Denver, where might it go?

Steve Ferris, Founder and principal, Real Estate Garage, Denver This is a special edition of the series on Denver’s “Whale Sites,” defined as extremely prominent and underdeveloped land parcels whose size and location will define Denver’s future growth and development. Introduction. The early September announcement that Amazon issued a request for proposals for a second…

Steve Ferris

October 4, 2017
16th Street Mall

CH2M to help city, RTD determine 16th Street Mall’s future

The city and county of Denver and the Regional Transportation District, with support from CH2M, will kick off the downtown 16th Street Mall alternative analysis and environmental clearance effort to determine the future of the 1.2-mile corridor. The 16th Street Mall is one of Denver's most vital connectors and important public spaces. The collaborative effort…


June 29, 2017

Cushman & Wakefield report puts Denver at No. 8 among ‘tech cities’

Denver has emerged in eighth place within the top 25 U.S. tech cities, with San Jose (Silicon Valley) and San Francisco capturing the first and second spots, respectively, according to Cushman & Wakefield’s inaugural Tech Cities 1.0 national report launched today. As coastal cities, including San Francisco, New York and Boston, become increasingly expensive and…


June 8, 2017

Niederman bullish on commercial real estate

There are plenty of shiny, new office towers sprouting along the southeast corridor where Peter Niederman could easily lease 25,000 square feet for his residential real estate firm. So why did Niederman, CEO of Kentwood Real Estate, one of the nation’s most successful residential real estate firms, instead decide to build his own office building,…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 20, 2017

Mathieson takes on critics

Developer Michael Forbes Mathieson could write a book. Mathieson, a Denver infill developer, recently posted a flurry of missives on social media sites responding to critics of his $12 million, five-story, 47-unit apartment building under construction in Denver’s increasingly trendy Berkeley neighborhood. From last fall to last month, Mathieson has posted at least 3,422 words…

Kris Oppermann Stern

April 3, 2017

CBRE Research forecasts solid growth, strong appetite for Denver assets

Growth in Denver's economy and most commercial real estate product types will continue through 2017, according to CBRE Research's 2017 Denver Market Outlook. In the office sector, more than 2.2 million square feet of speculative construction is expected to deliver in 2017, 1.9 million sf of it in suburban markets. With just 26 percent of new product preleased at…


March 28, 2017