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Owners can sue in federal court for inverse condemnation

Landowners who claim the government took their property – whether through regulation, use, occupation or other means – now can bring a claim for just compensation in federal courts, the U.S.


October 25, 2019

Proceed with caution when using condo unit escrow deposits

While residential condominium development still has not reached its pre-Great Recession levels, it is growing (albeit slowly). This type of project presents an interesting source of capital for developers in


October 18, 2019

Handling tenant requests for assistance animals

Landlords, owners’ associations and property managers across Colorado have been experiencing an increase in requests for accommodations for assistance animals – either a traditional “service animal”


May 12, 2019
legal writing

A guide to Colorado-specific laws in retail leases

Behind every successful retail relationship is a carefully negotiated lease. I am not saying this just because I’m a leasing attorney (OK, maybe partly). A lease agreement inherently guides the operation of a retail space. When


November 9, 2018

Senior facilities: Operator management agreements

Changing demographics and an aging population mean that the number of seniors in Colorado, and nationally, is growing. With that growth comes an increased need for housing options that both appeal to and provide for the needs of the senior population, which has in turn prompted more real estate developers and investors to enter the market to build and own senior living facilities.


October 28, 2018

Court of Appeals ruling impacts tax-increment financing

Tax-increment financing, commonly referred to as TIF, provides a powerful tool for financing redevelopment within municipalities, notwithstanding legislative changes that have restricted its use in recent years. However,


August 27, 2018

Avoid assuming a medical lease upon practice acquisition

When a medical or dental professional is ready to buy a practice, there are numerous legal and business considerations that must be evaluated. Perhaps surprisingly, one of the most pivotal issues that inevitably will


July 20, 2018

Considerations when re-entering the condominium market

The need for quality, affordable housing in Colorado is undeniable. In the past, condominiums served this need and provided a stepping stone toward homeownership for many middle-income families. However,


June 10, 2018

Private right of condemnation: Necessary or outdated?

Water is sacred in Colorado. It allows cities to flourish, crops to grow and powers the state’s tourism industry. Its power extends to the Colorado Constitution, which gives landowners the unique ability to condemn


June 4, 2018

Teavana lawsuit ruling is not a fix for all centers

A recent decision in the Simon Property Group L.P. v. Starbucks Corporation case prevented Starbucks from shuttering 77 of its Teavana stores in Simon-owned or -managed properties. While this decision has made


May 4, 2018