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The Sweet 16 round of opportunity zone proposed regs

Perhaps Treasury intentionally waited until after March Madness to release the long-awaited second round of proposed regulations on opportunity zones since the proposed regulations presents their


June 3, 2019

Exploring Denver’s opportunity zones with off-market data

Opportunity zones are taking the nation by storm – and Denver is no exception. As part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, opportunity zones are a new government program created to incentivize investment and


January 5, 2019
Opportunity zone

Opportunity zones’ tax-free potential

Opportunity zones can spell opportunity for real estate investors and developers in Colorado and nationwide. Congress created opportunity zones last year to jump-start economic growth in low-income and other neglected areas. Interest in the program really started to perk up after the Treasury Department issued guidelines in October on the program, which offers tax incentives…

Kris Oppermann Stern

December 7, 2018

Opportunity Zones: A pot of gold at the end of 10 years

In 2007, 28-year-old Sean Parker held a personal stake in Facebook bigger than the annual gross domestic product of France. Using his credential as a co-founder of Napster, Parker wrangled a meeting with a young Mark


November 5, 2018