Carvell on affordable housing
Affordable housing was the biggest issue in the recent mayoral and City Council elections in Denver, according to award-winning architect Chris Carvell. “Without question,” Carvell told Rebchook Real Estate Corner in late April, before Tuesday's elections in Denver. Carvell has been involved in designing and working closely with developers on affordable housing in Denver for…
Kris Oppermann Stern
May 9, 2019
Blair works outside the box at Continuum
Donna Blair, the recently appointed chief operating officer of Continuum Partners, has a history with the Denver-based company that developed such high-profile development as Belmar years before she joined the company. “I’ve been dancing with the company for one way or the other for close to 20 years,” said Blair of Continuum, which also is tackling…
Kris Oppermann Stern
July 5, 2017