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The Colorado medical office building market

The Colorado medical office building market comprises 23.9 million square feet of total space. Of this amount, approximately 17.6 million sf, or 74%, is located within Colorado’s two largest core-based […]


October 26, 2020

The demise of the waiting room as it exists today

Health care facilities across the country are making dramatic changes to their waiting areas in response to the coronavirus pandemic, which has accelerated the growing belief that the very concept […]


October 25, 2020

Flexible design solutions for health care renovations

Health care construction is one of the most necessary and challenging sectors of commercial construction. As technology advances, regulations change and the needs of patients and employees shift, a constant […]


October 19, 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on medical office buildings

As any seasoned health care planner would tell you, “form follows function.” In other words, the way you intend to deliver health services to your patients should drive the size, […]


October 19, 2020

COVID-19 to impact senior design for years to come

Humanity is experiencing the most significant health challenge to our existence in a century. As COVID-19 spreads and disproportionately affects older adults, the design of senior living communities is being […]


July 26, 2020

The future of senior living design, architecture

Across Colorado and around the world, older adults have been among the hardest hit by the impacts of COVID-19. In Colorado, public health orders, prevention, response plans and guidance from […]


July 20, 2020

Recovery readiness in the ‘new normal’

At this point, you probably never need to hear the phrase “new normal” again, but the reality is all properties, and especially health systems’ facilities and medical office buildings, must […]


July 12, 2020

COVID-19’s effect on mental health, future design

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, which has come with record-high layoffs and isolation – and worse, the loss of loved ones – mental health services are needed now more than ever, particularly among the built environment. Yet in the peak of social distancing, mental health care facilities are having to adapt to contain the virus spread, while also meeting increased demands and taking into account considerations for future facility design.


April 27, 2020

Highlands Ranch campus sells for $33.5 million

A sought-after three-building medical office campus in the heart of Highlands Ranch sold for $33.5 million to a real estate investment trust specializing in medical office properties. Healthcare Realty, under the name Ridgeline Medical LLC, according to public records, purchased the Ridgeline Medical Campus at 9135, 9137 and 9139 S. Ridgeline Blvd. It was sold…

Jolene Wollett

April 13, 2020

Foundry apartments change hands in $44.1 million deal

The apartments within the newly completed Foundry redevelopment in downtown Loveland have been acquired for $44.1 million. California-based Steadfast Cos. bought the 155-unit Patina Flats at The Foundry from a partnership led by Brinkman, Patina Flats has been more than 95% leased since it was completed in August 2018 and was nearly full at the…

Kris Oppermann Stern

March 8, 2020