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Find success in defining the project, laying the foundation

Hiring an architect, engineer or any design professional isn’t easy. You’re making a decision and placing your trust in someone that will be responsible for a significant investment on your behalf. It’s critical you get it right.


July 31, 2016
Comp of the Day handshake image

SW Denver 1970s vintage apartments command record price of $146,429 per door for area

Denver County Property Location: 1330 W. Mississippi Ave., Denver, “Mariposa Apartments” Property Description: 42-unit, 4-story “walk-up style” apartment complex, 25,592 sf, YOC 2071, brick construction Land Size: 43,750 sf Sales Price: $4.53M, or $146,429 per door, or $177.17 per sf Reception No.: 2016098458 Closing Date: 7/26 Grantor: Mariposa Apartments LLC, Jeffrey L. Young, mgr. Grantee: ML…

John Winslow

July 28, 2016
MorningStar of Arvada

Confluent, MorningStar team up on Arvada senior living facility

Expected to be completed in fall 2017, the 160,000-square-foot development will include 71 independent living and 41 assisted living suites, along with 29 suites devoted to individualized care for persons with memory impairments.

Kris Oppermann Stern

July 27, 2016
Comp of the Day handshake image

Texas-based Frassati Catholic Academy acquires former charter school

Adams County Property Location: 3951 Cottonwood Lakes Blvd., Thornton Property Description: 61,454-sf charter school, YOC 2003, 2008, block construction; 36 standard classrooms, 8,946-sf gymnasium, soccer and baseball field, indoor audio included with nine classrooms set up with smart projectors, 750 students maximum Land Size: 7.11 acres Sales Price: $11.7M, or $190.39 per sf Reception No.: 2016000058293…

John Winslow

July 27, 2016
Comp of the Day handshake image

Glendale site sells for $3.7M for self-storage facility

Arapahoe County Property Location: SEC South Birch Street & Leetsdale Drive (320 S. Birch St.), Glendale Property Description: 4,564-sf building to be removed (land value) Land Size: 2.06 acres Sales Price: $3.7M, or $41.15 per sf Reception No.: D6073774 Closing Date: 7/11 Grantor: 320 S. Birch LLC, Katherine L. Cersonsky Ellman, mgr., Steven Gross Trust, Birch…

John Winslow

July 26, 2016

Demolition to pave way for $100 million S’Park

Demolition is under way at the former Sutherlands lumberyard site in Boulder, which will house the $100 million S’Park development. “This marks the initial transformation of the S’Park site, a milestone that both the development team and the Boulder community have long been anticipating,” said Scott Holton, principal of Element Properties. “We could not be…

Kris Oppermann Stern

July 21, 2016
Stanley signage

Stanley Marketplace: Reinventing industrial history for the mixed-use Stapleton of today

A stone's throw from Denver city limits, Stanley Aviation manufactured ejection seats for military aircraft at its Aurora factory from more than 50 years starting in 1954. After the 140,000-square-foot, two-story facility shut down in 2007, the 22-acre site sat quietly in the shadows of the booming residential redevelopment of the old Stapleton airport.

Building Dialogue

July 20, 2016

Centerpoint I & II trade for $61.7 million

This post is only available to subscribers of the the Colorado Real Estate Journal. If you have a subscription, please log in to view this post. If you do not […]

Kris Oppermann Stern

July 18, 2016
Winslow Report

The Winslow Report 7-20-16

The Winslow Report, authored by John V. Winslow is a compilation of transactions recently completed in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson counties. The information was gathered from county records and deemed to be reliable. Other sources of research include brochures and information verified by owners or listing/selling brokers. Winslow is president of Winslow…

John Winslow

July 18, 2016
Arapahoe Business Park

Southeast suburban office/flex projects fetch $78.5 million

Hines REIT has sold nearly half a million square feet of space in the southeast suburban submarket for $78.5 million in the largest office/flex-only sale in Colorado in the last decade. A partnership consisting of an international investment adviser and Houston-based Griffin Partners Inc. purchased Arapahoe Business Park, which contains seven single-story buildings totaling 309,450…

Kris Oppermann Stern

June 14, 2016